Course Content
What is Positive Psychology?
The History -. A New Perspective on Human Behavior - The relationship between happiness and success - What Determines Happiness - The components of happiness - Self development exercise
The science of happiness .
The relationship between habits and happiness - The four types of habits - Effective skills for transforming your life. - Self-development exercise - Facing your fears.
The 3 pillars
Positive experiences, positive individual traits - Understanding positive emotions.- "Experience Joy" Build cognitive, emotional, and character strengths across the lifespan. Self-Development exercise. Gratitude Journal.
The PERMA model.
Human Flourishing - What does it mean to flourish? - Building positive character and well-being, - concept of resilience Personal development exercise. “Pleasant Events Activity”
The Resilience Factor.
7 Essential Skills to Finding Your Inner Strength. -Flourishing with Others: Building Thriving Relationships.- Stress-related growth and “bouncing back”, - Mental toughness . - Perseverance
Mindfulness & FLOW.
Psycho-physiological Underpinnings of Gratitude - What Neuroplasticity Has to Do With Positive Psychology? -Defining Forgiveness.-Positive schooling.