The Cognitive Behavioral Transformation Program (CBT-P)

Welcome to my 6-week, in-person Cognitive Behavioural Transformation Program (CBT-P). If you are seeking positive change and personal growth, please read the information below and complete the questionnaire to see if this program is right for you.

Dr John Crimmins
Dr John Crimmins

The Cognitive Behavioral Transformation Program (CBT-P)

If you are overwhelmed by constant worry, caught in a whirlwind of overthinking, battling panic attacks, or struggling with the weight of depression or addiction, it’s easy to feel trapped and hopeless. I want to reassure you that there is always hope, and a path towards a healthier mindset. .

For over 25 years, I have had the privilege of guiding thousands of people who have faced similar struggles. And here is  the good news: recovery is absolutely possible. While it may not be an easy straightforward  journey, I believe in your potential for transformation. Even if you don’t feel it right now, I am totally committed to instilling in you a strong desire and belief that life can be better. I will support you to develop the motivation and confidence you need to break free from fear, achieve your goals, and create a life filled with fulfilment and achievement

I have designed the The Cognitive Behavioral Transformation Program (CBT-P) for this purpose.

This unique 6-week program is the culmination of my 25 years of experience helping people like you overcome these challenges. I understand that you may feel trapped in a cycle of despair, but I want you to know that you have a choice, and you can get better.

CBT-P is designed to empower you with both insight and skills to prioritise your present and future well-being. Through personalised, face-to-face sessions, (NOT ZOOM) you will develop the tools to rewrite your mental scripts, cultivate healthier coping mechanisms, and silence that inner critic that holds you back and sabotages your development.

Imagine a life where you regain hope, motivation, and self-belief. A life where you achieve the goals you know you are capable of. This is possible, and I believe my 6 week programme can be the kick start you need. 

The first step is to fill out the confidential application form below. I will then carefully assess your situation to determine if this program is the right fit for your unique needs.

I will carefully review your responses to determine if my expertise and approach align with your needs. If I believe I can be of assistance, my administrator, Rita, will contact you via WhatsApp to schedule an initial 90 minute assessment. (I only see people in Dubai, UAE). The cost of this first meeting will be 900 AED.

Should we decide to work together, I assure you that I will bring my full commitment and over 20 years of experience in helping individuals successfully reach their full potential.

Thank you again for your willingness to embark on this journey.

Dr John Crimmins

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